Independence Training for Parents
Listed below are some of the most popular topics we cover in our training programs. You can combine any of the topics (below) and/or suggest some of your own that you would like us to cover.
- How to master the art of “Letting Go”
- Learn when “Good Enough” is good enough
- Discover what you can do if you are an enabler
- Differentiate between your unnecessary fears and healthy fears
- Identify overprotective and codependent tendencies
- Find ways to maintain an optimistic perspective while being realistic
- Discover how to map out your child’s future to reach maximum independence
- Learn how to prepare now for when your child outlives you
Here is an example: The Art of “Letting Go” – Teaching parents the art of “letting go” is crucial. It will help to lessen their fears and encourage their children to reach maximum independence. Once they understand the process, many of our clients have been able to loosen the reins and allow their children more freedom and space. It is not an easy transition for a child and often it is just as difficult for the parents, if not more so. Without this step many of our autistic adult children will remain at home even if and when they are capable of living outside the home.
See our Workshop Samples:
SAMPLE WORKSHOP (A) For Parents of All Age Children
SAMPLE WORKSHOP (B) Transition Planning
SAMPLE WORKSHOP (C) Independence Training for Professionals
It is never too early to begin talking about and preparing for your child’s future. Our trainings begin at whatever stage you are at today. Don’t wait until it is too late.
See our Testimonials
Retreat-Rejuvenation Classes
We often include some of our breakout rejuvenation classes along with our training sessions. You will find yourself having fun and being relaxed. That is something we could all use much more of.
Listed below are some of the classes that we will be offering.
1. Art Therapy: Feel free to be yourself and let your inner spirit go wild. Allow
your stress and tension to just melt away. Instructor: Debra Peri is both an
artist and an art teacher. Her unique work has been exhibited around the
world. Her classes are fun, relaxing, and result in revealing self-discovery.
2. Be Heard Now: How would you like to be heard and appreciated by others
and learn a special listening skill that most people do not
know? Instructor: Lynne Velling is the owner of Velling and Associates
Communication Training, and is also a facilitator for Speaking Circles. She
will share many important tools you can use in your every day life.
3. Preparing a Plant Based Diet: Don’t worry, you don’t have to become a
vegetarian or go vegan unless you want to! You can incorporate the new
recipes along with some of your family favorites. Instructor: Marilyn
Peterson is a highly acclaimed vegan chef and author. Her food is delicious
and she makes cooking fun. She will demonstrate the simple and easy way to
make some of her favorite dishes.
4. Yoga for Relaxation: Take a break and relax. Allow negativity to just drift
away. Enjoy the ease of the movements and soft music while focusing on
your breath. It’s simple, rejuvenating and oh so healing. Instructor: Paul
Hagen is a self-taught Yogi. His class will help you slow down and bring you
inner peace and balance. It’s easy and enjoyable.
If you are interested in becoming an instructor and sharing your talents and expertise with
our special needs parents contact us at, [email protected] or call: 800-939-1046.
How To Prepare Now For After You’re Gone
A Training Program
Your children will spend 75% of their lives as adults—and most of that time will be without you. You need to have a plan and be prepared. It is time to take action. It is never too early to get started.
Step In Parenting Network, SIPN (Networkers): This program is to help the parents learn how to screen, educate, and teach those, (networkers) who are willing to step into this most important and difficult role of substitute parenting after they are gone or they are unable to care for their loved ones due to illness or aging.
Network/Networkers: A network is a group of helpers, hand-picked by parents, who have varied talents and expertise. Simply said, a networker is a volunteer helper who wishes to be of service to a special needs child when the parents are no longer able to care for them. The goal is to create a team of volunteers who are happy to be of service and assist your child now and after you are gone.
Instructional Care Manual: This is a written plan that will serve as your “voice” and communicate your child’s needs and your wishes to your sons or daughters helpers/Networkers. This is a safe place to write down all the pertinent information that only you know about your child. You will be passing this manual on to people in your Step In Parenting Network, SIPN. It will follow your child for the rest of his/her life. Filling this out is a must for all parents of special needs children.
Resource: I Have Autism…What’ll I Do Without You, Mom?
How to Prepare for When Your Special Needs Child Outlives You,
by Amalia Starr.
Resource: Raising Brandon
Creating A Path To Independence For Your Adult Kid With Autism & Special Needs
by Amalia Starr.
For information about Amalia’s speaking and her books visit www.AmaliaStarr.com.
Certification Mentoring Training Program
Mentoring Training, for AIF Certification (Parents Helping Parents)
Do you have an autistic adult child who is already successfully living independently out in the world for two years or more? If the answer is yes, you may be eligible for our exciting certified mentoring training program. You will be trained in all areas of independence to meet the AIF standards and be certified in, The Brandon Way. Upon completion, you will be able to assist and support other parents by sharing the AIF information to help their children reach maximum independence.
We will all be giving back to the autism community that so desperately needs the help and support, especially in the area of INDEPENDENCE. You too will be rewarded both emotionally and financially. You will be of service as you help guide other parents through the maze of independence, so they do not have to do it alone.